Sequel to Adventures in Dating

Folks have asked about a sequel to Adventures in Dating. But wait, I’m working on book two which is a memoir/cookbook. As I typed up recipes, I wondered if I really have enough for a full-length book. So, I decided to take a break from writing and do a little research. I googled top memoir cookbooks and requested them at the library. So far, I’ve read one book, A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from my Kitchen Table by Molly Wizenberg.

What a great book! I loved the stories about her family and living in Paris. It definitely made me want to visit Paris and just eat my way through the city. I definitely recommend it. I also made copies of several recipes in the book, and I can’t wait to try them out, particularly the banana bread with chocolate chips and crystallized ginger. What an interesting combination!

Back to the sequel … what would the story be? While I was out of town catering last weekend, I took my writing notebook and jotted down a few items, such as Kari babysits for Lauren and Marshall’s heart gets broken by the Jewish girl. All ideas that came to mind were written down. It was just free-flow writing.

Also, I went to happy hour with Tom, the guy who inspired the Marshall character, and asked him what he sees his character doing. He joked and said to kill off Marshall. Is that an option? Why not? Write it in the notebook. All ideas are welcome.

So, now I’m writing. 2,109 words so far. Not a bad start considering I have no outline. Only 64,000 more words to go.

Get to work!