Next Steps

I’ve been working every day, and yesterday was my first day off in nineteen days. Phew! Busy days at Mt. Bachelor and Touchmark. Good sleep each night kept me sane and no more grumpier than usual.

It’s been nice to have a little breathing room now that the book is turned in. It’s been my number one focus for five months. Now, I can return to playing ukulele, making homemade cards, chasing Yam around our home (still without a floor or ceiling), and more.

Over the next few months, the cover will be designed. I’ll proof the pages and locations of photos. Work with the marketing team on book signing events. And, count the days to a publication date in June.

Below are a few photos I submitted for the cover. I’m hopeful they will choose a few of them!

Thanks for hanging in there with me! I’m so thankful to be surrounded by supportive friends and my wonderful family!